BSA – BottegaStudioArchitetti associati was born in 2004 from a collaborative idea of Stefano Cerruti, Giovanni Ricciuti and Davide Valle, whose different training paths generate the multifunctional approach with which the studio approaches the architectural discipline and the various fields of application to it related, such as graphics, communication and design (but also restoration, historical research, photography, art, entertainment). The projects reflect the constant commitment to the use of spaces according to contemporary needs, with particular attention to innovation linked to changes in society and everyday life, keeping alive the principles of exploration in the experimentation of innovative technology and materials. The studio’s areas of activity concern the various scales of architectural intervention, from small interior architecture to the development of larger public spaces and territorial planning. To underline the innovative character and the attitude to comparison, the BSA working group, made up of elements with different experiences and inclinations, strongly believes in collaboration and seeks its strength in the contamination of ideas and in continuously putting itself to the test its members, on a personal and professional level, in dealing with different project themes and in responding to the complexity of each experience.